HST Medical Singapore online store

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Welcome to HST Medical (博诚药业)

Asia’s trusted pain relief & health supplements online store

Buy popular and trusted products, such as Rheuma-Salve® Pain Relief Balm, Deep Sea Squalene (Omega-3 Fatty Acids), Pearl Powder (ancient Asian recipe for beautiful skin), NMN, Shou Wu Hair Plus (hair tonic supplement), Zoo-Vite Kids Vitamins range, Boost Immune, and health supplements right here.

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Chat with our AI agent Jamie, who will be learning and growing with our team to serve your queries about all our products and services. Click on the bottom icon “Chat” to start!

You can also find our products at leading Singapore retailers such as Essentials Pharmacy, Guardian, NHGP (National Healthcare Group Pharmacy), Watsons, etc.

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